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  • Writer's pictureHazel Afam

The Same Woman...

I love you differently

With hands and bodies entangled entirely,

we are born of the same black magic and white lights

I love you fiercely and coldly

With hot tempers and words spoken so freely,

we are parted lips of the same mouth coming together to bicker and laugh

I love you in conversations

With glances and looks of confirmation,

we are of the same eyes always searching for the other as if we need not look any further than to the left or to the right

I love you quickly and slowly

With different personalities, shy and not so-shy,

we are constantly at arms only to realize that there are no winners when one of us is hurt

We are the same Woman

I love you in Smile and in Tears

With this, I am flooded with memories of tightly pulled scalps and uncomfortable matching outfits because with that,

we are robbed of two separate identities merged to become one

I love you in distance and close proximity,

With knees, cap to cap, and elbows, funny bone to funny bone

we do not need space to feel this fated love that has been so diligently nurtured and cultivated

We are the same Woman

I simply love you differently




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